7 questions to ask before you move in

7 Questions to ask before moving in
Amongst the many important things to ask when moving into a new place, there are some simple things that people often forget to ask and can make a big difference!
1. Where are the gas and electricity meters?
As well as knowing where these are it is important that a meter reading is taken when you move in to make sure that you can update your utilities company (and only pay for what you use!). Types of meters can vary with some suppliers wanting regular readings supplied by yourselves, some are automatically read and others are read by staff that come to you. Increasing utility companies are offering customers “smart meters” which automatically provide readings and allow you to keep an eye on your spending. If you’re having trouble reading your meter, check out this article by Which to help out.
2. Where's the main stopcock (to shut off the water)?
Failure to prepare is preparing to fail …. or flood your kitchen. Might not be at the top of your list of things to ask but definitely an important thing to know! The stopcock is the control tap for the mains water as it enters your property. In the majority of homes, the stopcock is located under the kitchen sink and to turn this off is a case of turning it clockwise. Sometimes it is located outside and is generally marked with a metal plate with “water” or “W” on it.

3. What day are the bins collected?
Refuse collection can vary between local councils so having an idea of which bins/bags need to go where and on what day is an important one! If you have already moved in and are unsure of which day your bins are collected you can check on the gov.uk website here
4. Do you have any old tins of paint in the same colour as the walls?
Accidents happen. Being able to buy a small sample pot of the right colour can save a fortune and a lot of work should you need to do a quick touch-up! Alternatively, ask if the previous occupiers have any old paint left over lurking in a shed. You never know when it may come in handy!
5. Do you have any instruction manuals or warranties on electrical items?
Particularly important for rented and furnished properties but equally for built-in appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers. Instructions and service history for boilers can also be a good thing to ask about!
6. Where did the kitchen and bathroom tiles come from?
Information that you hope you won’t need to know but better be safe than sorry! Replacing one tile is a whole lot easier than them all!
7. Which company supplies the energy, broadband and home phone?
We would always recommend that you look around for the best deal available for utilities packages and broadband deals however knowing which company currently supply the property can be a good place to start. Knowing whether the right cables (e.g. fibreoptic) are in place may save you time and set up fees. Switching or carrying over an existing package has never been easier, take a look here for more info on Uswitch.