Tesco Clubcard Change of address

Tesco Clubcard Change of Address
Moving home can be exciting and overwhelming at the same time. With so many things to organise and coordinate, it's easy to overlook some important tasks. One of these tasks is updating your address with various companies and organisations, including your Tesco Clubcard. Keeping your address up to date with Tesco Clubcard ensures you continue to receive important communications including vouchers and rewards that can save you money on your weekly shop.
In this blog post, we'll guide you through the simple steps of updating your address with Tesco Clubcard when moving home. We'll cover everything from accessing your account online to contacting customer support. So, if you're in the process of moving or have already moved, read on to ensure you don't miss out on any Tesco Clubcard benefits.
This guide will cover the following:
Do I need to update my Tesco Clubcard Address?
Yes, it’s really important that you not only update your Tesco Clubcard address details but also let all your service providers know of your new address. To ensure that you still receive the Tesco Clubcard benefits and any relevant documentation such as statements, make sure you let them know.
How do I update my address with Tesco Clubcard?
There are various methods you can use to notify Tesco Clubcard of your new address. You can use the Moveinout change of address service, use the Tesco Clubcard app or contact them directly by phone.
Updating your details with Tesco Clubcard using the Moveinout service
This is how to update your address with Tesco Clubcard.
- Enter your details including your old address, new address and your move date.
- Select Tesco Clubcard from the loyalty cards section.
- Moveinout will automatically inform Tesco Clubcard of your new address.
- Notify other service providers such as DVLA, State Pension and Boots of your new address at the same time.
Updating your Tesco Clubcard address using the Tesco Clubcard app
To update your Tesco Clubcard address, you'll need to:
- Log in to your account on the Tesco ClubcardApp.
- Go to ‘My account’ and select ‘Address book.
- Enteryour new address details.
Updating your Tesco Clubcard address by phone
If you prefer to update your Tesco Clubcard address by phone, you can contact Tesco Clubcard on 0800 591 688, they are open Monday to Friday: 8 am – 8 pm and Saturday: 9 am – 6 pm